Monday, January 7, 2013

Digging To China

If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.     William Blake

It is winter and now I have to face myself. I don't 
have any festivals for a few months. I have unformed 
time. I can twiddle my thumbs or paint my great
masterpiece or build a garden or build a sauna on 
wheels or noodle on the internet and twiddle my thumbs.
Just like my summer break from school the winter is full of 
possibilities. I've decided to experiment with a new way of working. 
That is to use a phrase and to work around that title and build a series 
of images. Its Digging To China this 2013. When I was little I believed 
it was possible. I can remember digging down a little ways into the earth 
and looking into it with all of that potential. My mother never told me 
there was a Santa Claus, nor an Easter bunny or a tooth fairy. She was a 
Christian pragmatist who didn't want these holy holidays confused with stuffed 
animals and polyester. But somewhere along the line I believed for a little 
while that one could dig all the way through the earth. Or at least I 

believed that China was below us with a lot of people walking upside down. So when someone, I do not remember who, a neighborhood friend? burst 

my bubble and told me that it was not true, I was gravely disappointed. I've 
never really gotten over it. I still want everything I believed about 
world when I was 5 years old to still be true in some parallel universe world. And we could send all that food 
that would sit on my plate while I had to sit at the table until I had finished it, how I 
wwish we could have sent it to those children in China.  Oh I wish it could be so.